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Savvy Professionals
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Most Mental Health Professionals in private practice receive little to no training in working with the adoption community.  Given the sheer number of people impacted by adoption and the elevated numbers of them seeking professional help, higher education is sorely missing the mark.  Without the influence of Professionals who understand the pressing need for providing better services to this demographic, it is not likely to change anytime soon.


Please use the resources here on this site to better educate yourself about adoption practices and their impact, and then please know that we are here and available to assist you as you work with clients who need, most of all, someone who understands how complex and nuanced their stories are. 


It is not just a good idea to become Adoption Savvy, it is paramount in treating a disenfranchised population well and in moving them toward healing. 


Other Professionals also need to be Adoption Savvy when it comes to core issues for adopted individuals and the adoption community at large, such as:





As a society, we must shift our perspective on adoption from the "win-win" unplanned pregnancy solution to the reality of the extremely difficult experiences that Adoptees, Birth Families, & Adoptive Families are living.  We have got to start paying attention to the compelling statistics on suicide rates, homicides rates, incarcerations, drug & alcohol (and other) addictions, and mental health issues, just to name a few. Those impacted by adoption are clearly suffering and it is up to us as today's Professionals to do whatever we can to make changes that will influence individuals, families, and a nation! 

  • Judges  

  • Attorneys

  • Physicians

  • Other Medical Workers

  • Educators

  • Social Workers

  • Law Enforcement

  • Law Makers

Get Help & Get Savvy!

If you are in the Seattle-Tacoma area, available in-person services are listed below.

Just click on the colored buttons above each category for more info. 

If you live outside of Seattle or outside Washington state,

some services may still be available to you by phone or online.

Please contact me for more details. 

Adoption Reunion Facilitation

Workshops, Retreats, & Public Speaking

Professional Consultation

 & Supervision

Savvy Resources for Professionals 
© 2017-2024 Adoption Savvy, All Rights Reserved
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